Department of Electronics Communication


  • To achieve the vision, the department will
  • Establish a unique learning environment to enable the students to face the      challenges in ECE field.
  • Provide Ethical and value-based education by Promoting activities addressing      the Societal needs.
  • Enable students to develop skills to solve complex technological problems    and provide a framework for promoting collaborative and multidisciplinary       activities.
  • Vision

    To be recognized by the society as large as a full-fledged department, offering quality education. In the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering and staying in tune with the advancing technological revolution and cultural changes.

    Department of Electronics and Communication

    The department of Electronics and Communication Engineering was established during the inception of the year 1996 to produce competent engineers in the field of ECE is doubled and classes are conducted in shift basis since 2009. The department offers diploma programme of electronics and communication engineering. The department has state-of-the art laboratory facilities to infuse practical knowledge to the students on pair with academic excellence.


    For the faculty in the department of ECE,teaching is more of passion than profession. We not only –educate students, but make them also acquire awareness about the changing world scenario in the field of ECE. Most of the faculty members are qualified with PG degree in various areas of ECE.

    Our Staff